ical and google calender synconisation - for free!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
So the age old issue is that Ical can transmit to Google calender. Google calender can transmit to Ical but there is no syncronisation. The data flows one way only. That mean you need to enter the data twice.
Enter spanning sync. a program free to try for 15 days with full syncronisation of google calender and Ical. nice GUI. it is not bad. the downside is it is kinda annoyingly noticeable as you use it and as it updates. the real downside though is the $25 per month fee for the program. I used the free trial to get both calenders linked and updated to each other but after the free trial ended then i made the decision i would rather typw everything twice, and pay myself the $25 per month.
Enter the GCAlDaemon. (yeah catchy title right). the GCAlDaemon is a small program which runs in the background of your computer. It makes gcal and ical syncronise for free!
the instructiuons are pretty cool and you get to enter dos commands to the terminal. something i had never done on the mac. fortunately my hacking skills arn't to bad.
the only thing i warnign i would give is
the dos commands can get complicated. at one point it asks you to open a file. you type in the dos location and the terminal tell you that yes, that is a folder. The instructions actually wants you to open the folder in my documents type folder system. that had me confused for a wee while.
but to be honest it really is easy and fun to do and works like a treat.
ease of use - 10 out of 10
instillation (on the mAc but available for most OS) - 7 out of ten.
if you use Ical (or Mozilla Sunbird/Lightning, Rainlendar or Evolution) and Googlemail and owned a computer before windows, you have no excuse not to be using this system.
technorati tags - google cal ical syncronisation & GCALDaemon
Labels: coolness, google cal, ical, open source