Lock'em Up

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Earlier this week, one of Britain's top judges made the startling revelation that judges are sending to many criminals to prison.

I did end up having a small "thought shower" about whom else Judges could send to prison

- Any american idol contestant. (Except Reuben, Taylor or Paris. They were good)
- Any X- factor contestant (except... well possibly no exceptions)
- Any beauty queen
- Any quiz contestant who's answers need adjudication.
- Any prize winner
- Anyone who appears on Judge Judy!
- Eurovision contestants. (That would liven it up. Which country do you want to send to Jail? Vote now. Finland would win again I guess.)

I also did have the thought that perhaps travelling salespeople should be sent to prison instead of premier travel lodges. The facilities are slightly better in prison.

Thinking seriously about this though I have come up with a novel solution. Using the government's aims of lowering the causes of crime and building more houses in the southeast. First time buyer's prisons. Yip that simple. Build new prisons, maybe twelve big ones within the M25 area, fill one third with criminals and the other two thirds with first time buyers. Percentage wise less criminals in prison. But more criminals locked up in prison. Win Win situation I reckon.

Tony mate, call me, I have more ideas like this.
And for £130000 per year, 3 houses, 2 jags, and not a lot to do but go to committee meetings, and rule while your on your hols. I'm yours.

Posted by scottp at 9:54 AM


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