Havalina = Matt Death and the New Intellectuals
Saturday, June 24, 2006
My media player was on Random and hit on Havalin's great album Space Love & Bullfighting. I remebered being on the Havalina site last summer and they were recording a new album so I headed off to check out if it was out yet and what the score was.
(Havalina - Pacfic cover shot.)
On getting to the site, you see this image (below).
Turn out the band have split out and pacific will never come out.
The bio section kinda explains a bit more about the why's and wherefores.
I am kinda disappointed. I really liked Havalina. I have two cool T-shirts from their merch and an awesome movie they made on VHS.
The good news is two fold.
Some of the memeber of the band have formed a new band called "Matt Death anf the New Intellectuals." They will be recording the songs meant for Pacific and releasing it as Death on Pacific. (Sounding quite Goth/punk.) (there is something on 3hive but I couldn't find it.
Havalina in their website still have two downloads. The first is an album called russian lullabies from 1997 which was released as afull album. The second is a 27 song retrospective from early demo's through to the most recent stuff. It's called We Remember Anarchy. And they're both free.
"Free downloads because we record music that should be listened to."
sounds cool
big download but worth it.
havalinaland ::[[click here]]::