The apprentice

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I came to the apprentice second hand.

Frankly I really enjoyed "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss" on channel four. It was a parody of the apprentice which had the apprentice crossed with the office for the cringe inducing way it treated the contestants.

So I started watching the apprentice as a spin off from that.
I really like it.
I find the tasks mind numbing, but the way the apprentices contribute to their own downfall is comedy in motion. I guess I am a sucker for reality TV. But I also find it helpful and reflective. I guess what I would have done and try and look at my reasons for doing thing I have done and currently do.

Anyway yesterdays interviews program was hilarious.

you can watch the whole thing online at the BBC website ::[[click here]]::

Please note, this post has been spell checked in honour of Rich

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Posted by scottp at 12:06 PM


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